How does free time develop in young people between 15 and 20 years old?

The number of students and readers goes down hardly back in the time. in the old days people hunt and the games like cards were more common (than was also who fished frogs). When economic wellfare arrived the TV, cinema and sport became very popular. The associations like parish remain costant. Someone started to go out with own partner or friends.


Till '50s/'60s

How many boys and girls study?

Less than 10%

How many free time's hours they have each day?

From 2 to 4à 20%

Less than 2à 80%

Who do they spend their free time with?

Relativesà about 35%

Friendsà about 45%

Colleaguesà about 20%

In the free time:

- 7% Reading

- 10% Hunting and fishing

- 23% Parlour game

- 13% Taking part in the associations

- 7% Cinema - Theatre – TV

- 20% Listening to music and playing instruments

- 14% Practicing sports

- 33% Bar/Disco/Wine bar


During '60s

How many boys and girls study?

About 30%

How many free time's hours they have each day?

More than 4à 5%

From 2 to 4à 25%

Less than 2à 70%

Who do they spend their free time with?

Relativesà about 30%

Friendsà about 45%

Colleaguesà about 25%

In the free time:

- 30% Reading

- 5% Hunting and fishing

- 19% Parlour game

- 12% Taking part in the associations

- 14% Cinema - Theatre – TV

- 40% Listening to music and playing instruments

- 23% Practicing sports

- 35% Bar/Disco/Wine bar


Between '70s and '90s

How many boys and girls study?

About 50%

How many free time's hours they have each day?

More than 4à 5%

From 2 to 4à 45%

Less than 2à 50%

Who do they spend their free time with?

Relativesà about 30%

Friendsà about 55%

Colleaguesà about 15%

In the free time:

- 39% Reading

- 2% Hunting and fishing

- 22% Parlour game

- 9% Taking part in the associations

- 51% Cinema - Theatre – TV

- 62% Listening to music and playing instruments

- 43% Practicing sports

- 46% Bar/Disco/Wine bar


From '90s to nowadays

How many boys and girls study?

About 80%

How many free time's hours they have each day?

More than 4à 10%

From 2 to 4à 55%

Less than 2à 35%

Who do they spend their free time with?

Relativesà about 20%

Friendsà about 70%

Colleaguesà about 10%

In the free time:

- 36% Reading

- 16% Parlour game

- 13% Taking part in the associations

- 73% Cinema - Theatre – TV

- 69% Listening to music and playing instruments

- 83% Practicing sports

- 57% Bar/Disco/Wine bar